Sunday, May 29, 2016

My Solution

The problem I have identified is the difficulty in reading and performing checklist items while devoting attention to other critical duties while flying. While most people didn't consider it a need, they did express interest in finding ways to improve safety.

My solution is a device that plays an audio version of your checklist to you rather than having you read it yourself. The main concerns with the device were complacency with the pilot, confusion with several other sounds coming over the audio system (ATC, Warnings, other pilots, etc.). I feel like those could be mitigated with a pause button to pause when other noises come on, a back button to replay any steps that would be missed, and reinforcing the idea that it is a supplementary tool rather than a replacement.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Looking for Opportunity

1. Economic Trend - Iowa Residents Favor Beef

  • A.)
  • B.)The article states that 82% of Iowa residents consider beef to be in their top choices for meat consumption. On top of that, 47% of them eat beef three or more times per week.
  • C.)The customer for this opportunity would be anyone in Iowa who is not a vegetarian and can afford to purchase beef on a regular basis. Anyone with any knowledge of farming or butchering could exploit this market.
  • D.)Considering how much beef is consumed in Iowa, I think anyone who can raise or butcher high quality beef at an affordable price would be able to take a decent size of the market, competing with grocery stores and supermarkets. Personally, if I knew of a quality butcher near me, I would be much more willing to purchase my meats from them rather than a supermarket. For someone with no experience in that area, it may be more difficult to exploit.
  • E.)I saw this opportunity most likely because I cook beef a lot and would love to have a local butcher. Seeing that so much is consumed in one state (9% higher than the national average), I think a butcher shop or a cattle farm would be a great opportunity to take into consideration.
2. Economic Trend - Mobile Phone Users Gravitating towards Mobile Payments
  • A.)
  • B.)According to the article, 20% of consumers in developed markets use mobile payments in developing markets, that number jumps to 47%. With so much money being exchanged on mobile devices and people so unaware of the dangers of sending money over a mobile devices, there must be an opportunity for simple security apps, software, or training seminars to sell to customers.
  • C.)The customer for this opportunity would be any mobile phone user who uses their device to make payments in a store, on-line, or to another device. 
  • D.)I think anyone who has a knack for technology and software could make a base model for a security app. Something that is more in depth might require more advanced technology and more funding than the average entrepreneur would have access to, but it could be a pitch to a large software developer. 
  • E.)I saw this opportunity because I realize how easy it is to already get scammed with stolen cash or credit card information and how little people, myself included, understand about the workings of electronic payments and all the channels they travel through. Some kind of app that keeps track of where your money is at all times or a seminar to teach about being safe with this kind of technology would probably be at the least marginally successful.
3. Regulation Change - Higher Standards for Automobiles by 2025
  • A.)
  • B)Cars must have double the fuel efficiency and half of the Carbon Dioxide emissions by 2025. 
  • C) The customer for this opportunity will be everybody looking to buy automobiles in the years shortly before and long-term after 2025. 
  • D.) The article mentions that 70% of chemical energy is lost to the combustion process. The opportunity exists for somebody to innovate a new type of engine, a new type of fuel, a cheaper alternative to electric cars (Tesla), or to create a new form of individual transportation that rivals automobiles financially and among consumers. It will take somebody with an extremely innovative mind or with a very good scientific mind to capitalize on this opportunity.
  • E.) I am not sure if anything led me to see this opportunity more than anyone else would have. I think it is pretty obvious that due to regulations, something will need to change within the automobiles. There are so many ways to possibly improve it though, such as fuel types or completely new ideas that I think is what I am seeing beyond what most would see with this.
4. Regulation Change - Insurance Companies Face Cyber-Security Regulations
  • A.)
  • B.) Insurance companies have been vulnerable to cyber-attacks and now have cyber-security tests as a part of regulatory examinations. An opportunity exists for the creation of leading edge Cyber-Security programs specifically designed for insurance companies, as these are going to be needed and improved in the near future.
  • C.)The prototypical customer for this opportunity would be any insurance company which is subject to these regulations.
  • D.)With this regulation being implemented in 2016, I am sure that some company has designed something to solve this issue. The problem is that first models are often flawed, and I believe there is an opportunity for a tech company to branch off and specialize in Insurance Cyber Security and make leading edge, competitive programs and corner that market.
  • E.)I saw this opportunity because insurance companies are some of the most profitable in the business world and control a lot of assets and make meaningful decisions. They would easily pay top dollar to ensure they are up to regulations and protect all of the information they control. Insurance also peaked my interest because my dad is an insurance salesman.

Testing the Hypothesis, Part 1

The Who: General aviation pilots flying alone in complex aircraft.

The What: In complex aircraft, it is difficult at times to read checklist items and perform them all while concentrating on flying the aircraft safely and efficiently.

The Why: Holding the checklist takes away at least one hand, reading the checklist takes yours eyes away from important instruments and from looking outside, and concentrating on the checklist tasks distracts your concentration from other essential duties.

Testing the Who: While most of the 5 people I talked to had a strong interest in finding a way to improve checklist usage, none of them felt that there was a need to improve it. They all said something along the lines of "Anything that can help you manage your workload when you are flying alone is great, but I wouldn't consider this to be a need within the flying community. I would be willing to give it a test run."

Testing the What: One of the people I interviewed, Kelsey Mulloy, mentioned that after several years of flying the checklist becomes a part of your routine and is just an afterthought. She did say it could help, but that there is not as great of a need as I initially thought there to be. Nobody said that they had any issues currently, but that something that could help them would peak their interest.

Testing the Why: Much like testing the what, most of the people I interviewed mentioned that it has become such a part of their routine that they didn't feel it was as distracting as it used to be. Perhaps my "Who" could be transferred to new general aviation pilots who could use help with cockpit management to increase safety.

Below are the links to my interviews with flight instructors, commercial pilots, and student pilots.

1. Jeff Wolfe, Chief Flight Instructor

2-3.Jordan, Airline Pilot and Andy, Aspiring Flight Instructor
4.Kelsey Mulloy, Flight Instructor
5.Sebastian, Commercial Pilot

Saturday, May 14, 2016

My Entrepreneurship Story Tyler Mosley

I am taking this class because I need an upper division elective to satisfy my degree requirements and this class is online so I can take it even though I am not in Gainesville. I hope to use this class to keep me busy over the summer and help improve my GPA.

An experience I have with an entrepreneur is the founder of the flight school that I train at. He put almost all of his money and took out loans in order to lease a building, lease aircraft, get licensed, and hire flight instructors. The flight school has recently been named the top flight school in the United States 2 years in a row due to the founder's vision for creating a culture within the staff that promoted unity, belonging, and safety within the general aviation community.

Tyler Mosley Bug List

1. The traffic on Archer Road near Butler Plaza is backed up during all hours of the day during most months. I have rarely been on that section of Archer and not been in stop and go traffic.

  • Why? There are no right hand turning lanes into several of the shops and plazas within that stretch of road which causes people to slow down to turn right and forces everyone behind them to slow down as well. 
  • Why? Butler Plaza is relatively new and it was most likely not anticipated how much traffic it would receive from students at the University so turn lanes were not put in place. Instead, several traffic lights were put in place. 
  • Why? It was cheaper to install traffic lights than pave new turn lanes.
  • Why? The cost of the traffic lights was most likely lower than cost of digging up sidewalks, closing parts of the road, and the cost of new asphalt and paint.
  • Why? The labor cost and materials cost for paving and expanding a new section of road is too high, as well as the cost of slowing even more traffic for construction on the road.
2. I receive too many spam phone calls on my cell phone, at least one a day.
  • Why? My personal phone number has been given to these companies somehow.
  • Why? I sign up for games or apps on my phone that sell my phone number to these companies. 
  • Why? I spend a lot of time on my phone and like to use apps to pass the time and never read the agreement forms.
  • Why? I have too much free time and get bored so I use my phone to pass the time.
  • Why? I procrastinate on work or school assignments which gives me that free time.
3. News networks and media outlets are far too biased when reporting stories, whether its too conservative or too liberal. For example, Fox News is too conservative or CNN is to liberal.
  • Why? News and media outlets spin stories to please or entertain their specific audiences.
  • Why? They want to keep their audience watching, listening, or reading.
  • Why? They have a personal agenda to be either conservatively or liberally biased.
  • Why? They are funded by advertisements from traditionally conservative or liberal companies and corporations.
  • Why? The viewers are not paying for the service and the news outlets must make money somehow.
4. My cell phone dies just a few hours after I take it off of the charger.
  • Why? The battery runs out of charge.
  • Why? I don't charge it as often as I probably need to.
  • Why? My phone charger is almost broken.
  • Why? I left it outside in the rain.
  • Why? I was using it outside and forgot to bring it in when it began raining.
5. It is very rare that I end up eating a home-cooked meal or something other than fast food.

  • Why? It is faster, cheaper, and easier to get fast food through a drive through.
  • Why? The ingredients to make a meal cost more money as well as the time spent to cook the meal is far more than the time it takes to get fast food.
  • Why? Typically, those ingredients are higher quality than the fast food. Also, most of the fast food is pre-cooked so it takes less time.
6. Paying extra fees at the airport when your luggage is overweight.

  • Why? There is a fee for your bag being overweight.
  • Why? The airlines need to make up for money lost in other areas.
  • Why? The airlines often cut costs of tickets and make up for it with other hidden fees
  • Why? They need to have the lowest ticket prices in order to be competitive.
  • Why? There are several airlines for consumers to choose from and they often only look at the lowest ticket price, regardless of fees.
7. The amount of potholes in my neighborhood cause my car to need realignment very often.

  • Why? The potholes are wide and deep and usually unavoidable.
  • Why? The city refuses to fix them?
  • Why? My neighborhood is outside of the city limits.
  • Why? The cost of living is cheaper outside of city limits.
  • Why? There are fewer services provided by the city.
8. Having so many different passwords to different accounts and websites makes them very easy to forget.

  • Why? Several websites have different password requirements or make you update your password every so often.
  • Why? To protect your information and accounts.
  • Why? Hacking has become a much bigger threat in recent years.
  • Why? Hackers are able to find flaws in security systems put in place by websites.
  • Why? Websites are not investing enough in counter-hacking and security measures.
9. My laptop freezes once or twice a week and causes me to lose anything I haven't saved.

  • Why? There are too many files and programs that cause it to crash.
  • Why? My memory is almost filled up.
  • Why? I don't take the time to delete old files or invest in a larger memory storage.
  • Why? It takes time and discretion to delete files and costs money to upgrade my memory.
  • Why? I don't want to delete files I may need later and I need to use my money for other needs.
10. The line at the Publix deli on 34th Street becomes way to long when chicken tender subs go on sale.

  • Why? Several students flock to the deli when the subs are on sale creating a long line.
  • Why? The subs take a long time to make.
  • Why? The ingredients are not always prepared and ready to be made into a sub when customers arrive.
  • Why? There is no one prepping the ingredients while another employee makes the subs.
  • Why? Publix doesn't add additional staff to the deli when the subs go on sale at this location.
11. My electives needed to graduate are filled up for the summer and fall semesters.

  • Why? I had a late registration date and they were filled before I could register.
  • Why? Priority to these classes is not always given to seniors who need these classes to graduate.
  • Why? Registration dates are given based on credit hours.
  • Why? I have a low number of credit hours for a senior.
  • Why? I had to drop a class during sophomore year.
12. I could not get an adviser's opinion on which classes to sign up for in the fall and summer to keep me on track.

  • Why? I am not in Gainesville so I cannot go to a meeting with an adviser.
  • Why? I am working at home for the summer.
  • Why? Emailing an adviser during registration and drop/add may take several days to get a reply.
  • Why? Academic advising is not offered over the phone.
13. I was changing my car tire and the two of the five bolts snapped in half.

  • Why? I put too much pressure on the tire iron.
  • Why? The bolts were stuck because someone had cross-threaded them and I needed to get the nuts off.
  • Why? The garage that installed my tires used either the wrong nuts, bolts, or put them on wrong.
  • Why? It was a cheaper garage so they probably did not have the correct nuts and bolts or did not know they were installing them wrong.
14.  Getting cavities.

  • Why? You have to get fillings at the dentist because you have a cavity.
  • Why? Eating to many things bad for your teeth or not brushing and flossing enough.
  • Why? Getting tired and lazy and forgetting to brush or eating candy and drinking soda.
  • Why? Its easy to fall asleep and forget to brush your teeth or be in a rush and forget to brush them in the morning.
  • Why? Not making brushing your teeth an essential part of a daily routine.
15. Limited parking on the UF campus for students.

  • Why? There is only so much room for parking spaces and garages on campus.
  • Why? A lot of the spaces and garages are for faculty or people other than students.
  • Why? Professors, administrators, and other faculty and staff do not live on or very close to campus thus need a vehicle to commute and spaces to park, leaving limited space for students. 
  • Why? There are 50,000 students at UF and at least half of them have a car and need to park it in the limited space there is.
16. My bedroom gets too hot to sleep in at night during fall semesters.

  • Why? My room is poorly insulated and does not keep the room cool.
  • Why? Nights in Gainesville are very warm.
  • Why? The temperature itself is warm and I have a thick blanket.
  • Why? I do not have a fan and my A/C is not powerful enough to keep my room cool enough.
17. Having a bad thunderstorm ruin a planned day of boating and fishing.

  • Why? You shouldn't take a boat out in a thunderstorm
  • Why? You forgot to check the weather of the day you planned to go on your trip.
18. When people I have a professional relationship with take longer than 3 business days to respond to an important email.

  • Why? The emails often contain time sensitive questions, information, or remarks.
  • Why? Without a reply, I often am not able to move forward with a job, task, or assignment in a timely manner.
  • Why? I may miss a deadline or become behind due to a late reply.
19. Talking to automated machines when trying to reach a customer service representative at Bank of America.

  • Why? I needed to cancel my lost card and get a new one and wanted to talk to a real person.
  • Why? Bank of America implemented automated responses to save money.
  • Why? They made it very difficult to get to a customer service representative.
  • Why? I had to go through several different automated responses and questions to get to a real person.
  • Why? There was no option to forgo the automated responses and speak directly to a customer service representative.
20. The line at the DMV to get or renew a driver's license is always several hours long.

  • Why? Most people need a license whether to have a form of ID or to drive.
  • Why? The DMV is the place to go if you lose or need to renew or need to obtain a license. 
  • Why? There are only a few staff members working whenever I have been.
  • Why? The process can take several minutes to complete.
  • Why? They need to verify address, identity, take your picture, and make the license.

Reflection :
I found this assignment difficult in respect to asking the "Whys" more than coming up with things that bug me. I am aware of a lot of the things that bug me but once I had to start asking why, I found it difficult because there were so many different reasons and they didn't always follow one another as to a sequence. The last 7 or 8 were extremely difficult while the rest were very easy for me.